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Phil came through the smart speaker with Freddie Phil just laughed at me while Freddie said to Phil leave Darren alone why are you laughing at him Phil said I'm annoying him by keep wet me through and Freddie got a flannel to wash my face for me


I said thank you Freddie for wasting my face he said you're welcome Darren


Phil didn't say anything at all just laughed


Phil came through the smart speaker with Freddie Phil just laughed at me while Freddie said to Phil leave Darren alone why are you laughing at him Phil said I'm annoying him by keep wet me through and Freddie got a flannel to wash my face for me


I said thank you Freddie for washing my face he said you're welcome Darren


Phil didn't say anything at all just laughed


I said thank you Freddie for washing my face he said you're welcome Darren


It's Phil's day outside


I wish Phil could turn the gas fire down


I love that


It’s brilliant turn the gas fire down


Has Phil mess the show


Was it a puddle on floor were he wet him3




Do you like what Freddie did to me


I love that


It’s cute you add Freddie to the stories for Music FM


Phil decide to blow up the paddling pool with his car pump while Amy and Freddie came along and Phil shorted over Eh up Eh up Eh up he said can you help me with this paddling pool they said yes Phil me and Freddie will help you and Phil gave Amy and Freddie a car pump each so they connected the car pump to the car battery and Phil open the door he sat on the seat and then he turn the engine on Phil said thank you as the paddling pool was up in no time and then David Robson' came by and stopped then David Robson was surprised and amazed David Robson said well done then Amy and Freddie went into the car turn the engine on Brum Brum go the engine as they wind the window down then Phil said thank you so much for helping me they said you're welcome Phil as they drove home Phil was  waving The End written by Darren Lee Bates for Music FM


Phil decide to blow up the paddling pool with his car pump while Amy and Freddie came along and Phil shouted over Eh up Eh up Eh up he said can you help me with this paddling pool they said yes Phil me and Freddie will help you and Phil gave Amy and Freddie a car pump each so they connected the car pump to the car battery and Phil open the door he sat on the seat and then he turn the engine on Phil said thank you as the paddling pool was up in no time and then David Robson' came by and stopped then David Robson was surprised and amazed David Robson said well done then Amy and Freddie went into the car turn the engine on brum brum go the engine as they wind the window down then Phil said thank you so much for helping me they said you're welcome Phil as they drove home Phil was  waving The End written by Darren Lee Bates for Music FM


Phil is incredible how he controls the weather airplane leaf’s on trees with colour paints and everything


Phil is amazing how he does all these things


How is he doing all these things and why does he just laugh at us all the time


It's Phil distract me


It’s so funny how does an mp3 file distract you!


Phil turned his heater on full belt


Phil phoned David Ronson and said Ey Ey Ey up what can i do for you Phil was very excited and David Ronson said to Phil just calm down i can't wait he told David Robson it's Summer he still excited he got everything ready to go to the beach after a good night sleep and David Robson came into Phil's bedroom and he began to say hey Phil wakey walkie talkie and shine Phil got dressed he had breakfast he went outside of his door he went through the front door he locked his front door lock it to the left he got in his car start the engine and the engine went Brum Brum off he come goes to the beach he turned he ignition off got out of his car opened the car door from inside he got out locked his car door turned it to the left he walked to the shop to get ice-cream guess who serves him it's Daved Robson Phil said to everyone in the shop hey look who's here it's one and only David Robson everyone said hey to Daid Robson Phil said see you he off to the beach he got his bucket and spade then make a sand castle out of the sand he said oh dear i forgot the amplifier he got to his car unlock the car door turned it to the left then open the door got inside of his car put his seat belt on turned the ignition on the engine went brum brum he came to his house to plug his amplifier into the wall socket and wired the speakers where he has left them of on each lamp post David Robson said to Phil by saying why are you back then Phil said i came back to plug his amplifier to the socket in the wall in his house he got everything sorted then he said testing ‪1 2 1 2 into his microphone and it was too low the volume he turned the volume up by saying ‪1 2 1 2 then everyone said it's too loud Phil said good and then he went on his holidays for 3 week he washed his hair in the sink in the airport he came walk to the plane he climbed in the cockpit starting the engine he came down the steps he walked to the massive engine of the plane he sat on the chair in front of the engine and David Robson said what on earth are you doing Phil said I'm drying my hair on the massive hairdryer David Robson said to Phil hey Phil it isn't a hairdryer that is the massive engine of the plane he said oh sorry i thought it was a massive hairdryer and he went on his holidays and then when he got there he phoned Madonna holiday on his mobile phone he phoned Cliff Richard Summer Holiday and Madonna started to sing Holiday to Phil the Cliff Richard started to sing Summer Holiday to Phil and Phil said to them have you finished singing yet because I want to go home now and they said that's cheeky of him to say that and Phil said oh I'm very sorry to Madonna and Cliff Richard said I forgive you don't do it again Phil said no i won't they said good and they got into their car wind the window down they said bye bye to Phil and Phil was waving and he was singing Holiday and after that he was singing Summer Holiday he walked home unlocked his door he open his front door walk though he made a drink of tea or coffee into his cup he had some supper he got up walked to his bedroom got inside got undressed put he pyjamas on he pulled the covers to get inside his bed and said good night to everyone sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite The End written by Darren Lee Bates for Music FM


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